Get In Touch

Have a question or just want to get in touch? Message me below!

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Frequently Asked

Can I contact you by phone?

It’s the 21st century, so yes, yes you can. I even own a smart phone. However, I may be with a client, so if you want to contact me by phone, send me a text or Whatsapp message, include your name and a brief description of what you want to talk about. I’ll get back to you from there. My number is 07889 725650

What about email?

Yes, my email is [email protected]

If you are emailing me to tell me how beautiful I am and how much you would like to hook up, please bear in mind my english not very good and I look forward to our marriage and many children.

Do you have other social media accounts?

You can hit me up at Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Can you make me rob a bank like Derren Brown did?


I'm a bit scared by the idea of hypnosis, should I be?

There’s nothing to worry about, and I will make sure you are taken care of throughout the process. If at any time you want to stop, we will stop.

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